Agricultural Pilot Projects
Outfall Control Structure (OCS) – These structures control the delivery of water to strategic outfalls along the river. The MRGCD currently operates the San Francisco, Lower Peralta #2, Storey, New Belen, Los Chavez, 240, and Alejandro outfalls in the Isleta Reach of the MRG in support of Endangered Species in the summer months. OCSs allow the District to measure and control how much water is delivered to these habitat sites. Additional outfalls are being considered through this initiative.
Irrigation Delivery Projects (IDPs) – MRGCD is continuing to improve on our ability to measure water as it moves through our vast array of canals in the Middle Rio Grande. The Irrigation Delivery Projects or IDP initiative is a grant-funded effort to better understand farm irrigation efficiency through the measurement of inflow and outflow of discrete sections of our facilities. By measuring the inflow and the outflow of a particular section of canal, the MRGCD can then look at the land being irrigated within that section and approach irrigators with financial and technical assistance to improve their on-farm delivery systems, lands and/or practices to be in compliance with the irrigation rate in the MRGCD’s Water Distribution Policy. Water conserved through this initiative helps the MRGCD meet irrigation demand throughout the District.
Latest News
8/29 Update Corrales Pumps
8/30 Update: Storage Water to Deplete by Next Week
Labor Day Weekend: Belen Levee Access Closed to Motor Vehicles
Notice: MRGCD’s Available Water Likely to Deplete by End of August
Corrales Pumps Update – Aug 10
August Water Update
LandLink – Connecting Farmers, Ranchers & Landowners
LandLink connects farmers, ranchers and landowners; a program offered through our friends NMSU Cooperative Extension Service. For more information visit:...
Update: Water at Abiquiu to be Incrementally Released
Notice to Non-Pueblo Water Users North of Isleta Pueblo
Notice to Non-Pueblo Water Users North of Isleta Pueblo Wednesday, July 17, 2024 The MRGCD water officials are issuing notice to Middle Rio Grande non-pueblo water users north of Isleta Pueblo, to prepare for a halt in water deliveries. The deliveries could stop as...