On-Farm Planning

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MRGCD’s On-Farm Program or OFP is intended to support small-scale infrastructure and farmland improvements. Projects range from but are not necessarily limited to improved turnouts and farm delivery pads, irrigation pipeline, control boxes, laser leveling, and land use assistance.  Anyone interested in applying for the OFP should contact Conservation Program staff.

Technical Assistance

  • Soil, water, and compost testing lab
  • USDA Eligibility Assistance
  • Conservation planning assistance

Financial Assistance

Through a variety of funding sources and grants, MRGCD offers financial assistance.

Latest News

Water Deliveries to Bernado & La Joya Waterfowl Management Areas

Water Deliveries to Bernardo and La Joya Waterfowl Management Areas MRGCD and NM Office of State Engineer evaluating current permitting for Bernardo and La Joya ponds November 13, 2024 Contact: Amanda Molina, MRGCD Public Information Office, pio@mrgcd.us  Albuquerque,...

Reclamation to Conduct First Fill Test at El Vado Dam

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The Bureau of Reclamation is set to evaluate the performance of El Vado Dam through a ‘first fill test’ over the coming months. This test will involve incrementally raising the water level in El Vado Reservoir to assess the dam’s stability and...

MRGCD Board of Directors Amends E-Bike Resolution

During October’s MRGCD Board meeting, the board of directors voted to amend the resolution regarding the use of electric-assisted bicycles and powered micromobility devices on Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District lands and facilities. Specific to the Paseo Del...