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MRGCD Mapping and gis department


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The Mapping and GIS Department maintains a repository of all real MRGCD property records. Many of these records are referenced to one of our 189 MRGCD property maps that span from Cochiti Pueblo and Reservoir to San Marcial, north of Elephant Butte.

Each MRGCD Property Map typically illustrates two square miles of real property records. These maps have been drawn and updated to reflect current property records since 1927.  Early MRGCD property maps are some of the first cadastre maps drawn in New Mexico.

This map collection, and repository for real property records, has tracked all real property changes within the MRGCD jurisdiction in order to protect MRGCD rights-of-way and provide for drainage, irrigation and flood control in the middle Rio Grande valley.  The department houses many of the plats, surveys and deeds used to locate and reference these properties.

Much of the property in the valley was unplatted at the time the MRGCD was formed. In order to appraise the properties, these lands were given unique legal descriptions. A Property Map and tract number was associated to each unplatted parcel. These MRGCD Map and Tract designations are still found throughout the valley as a part of the legal descriptions on current plats and deeds.

The Mapping and GIS Department maintains specific information on all of its facility rights-of-way, including Plan and Profile (P&P) sheets, easement records, rehab drawings, tax dockets and deeds. Other current and historic documents are available as well.

GIS (Geographic Information System) Staff are responsible for the preservation and continuation of Mapping and GIS Department records. Since 2000, the MRGCD property maps have been maintained as a Cadastral layer using Esri ArcGIS software. Staff statutorily collaborates with the offices of the County Clerk and the County Assessor in each of the four counties that fall within the jurisdiction of the District in order to access the most current property and ownership information. Links to these counties are here:


Sandoval County


Bernalillo County


Valencia County


Socorro County

The MRGCD relies on these connections to the county Clerk and Assessor offices for access to current real property records such as filing number, filing date, county parcel number (UPC), ownership, address and tax district designations.

The incorporation of GIS into the Mapping Department supports many District functions, including: maintaining historic and current irrigation records; mapping and analysis for MRGCD Division field operations; Engineering and Assessment Department support; and Qualified Elector lists for MRGCD elections

Online access and digital preservation of MRGCD maps and documents is an active area where staff uses GIS to inventory and provide a spatial component to MRGCD records.

Available Records:

  • MRGCD Property Maps from 1927 to present

  • MRGCD Plan & Profile surveys

  • MRGCD/U.S Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) Rehabilitation and Easement maps

  • MRGCD revision records

  • Recorded plats and documents

  • Unrecorded surveys

  • Irrigation records

  • Land Sales and Tax Dockets

  • MRGCD Appraisal and Reappraisal records

GIS Data

Download Esri Shapefile format Data. Shapefiles come with projection files and xml metadata.

MRGCD Jurisdictional Boundary

MRGCD Map Index

MRGCD Conveyances / Facilities

DISCLAIMER: These map products and all underlying data have been developed for use by the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District. These GIS applications have not been designed or intended for general use by members of the public. The District makes no representation or warranty as to its accuracy, timeliness, or completeness, and in particular, its accuracy in labeling or displaying dimensions, contours, property boundaries, or placement or location of any map features thereon. THE MIDDLE RIO GRANDE CONSERVANCY DISTRICT MAKES NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR WARRANTY FOR FITNESS OF USE FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THESE MAP PRODUCTS OR THE UNDERLYING DATA. Any users of these map products, map applications, or data, accepts same AS IS, WITH ALL FAULTS, and assumes all responsibility for the use thereof, and further covenants and agrees to hold the District harmless from and against all damage, loss, or liability arising from any use of this map product, in consideration of the District’s having made this information available. Independent verification of all data contained herein should be obtained by any user of these map products, or the underlying data. The District disclaims, and shall not be held liable for, any and all damage, loss, or liability, whether direct, indirect, or consequential, which arises or may arise from these map products or the use thereof by any person or entity.

Doug Strech   Systems & Data Integration Manager    505-247-0234    ext. 1344
DeAnna Philips     GIS Tech II / Board Liaison   505-247-0234    ext. 1359
Danielle Feygin     GIS Analyst   505-247-0234   ext. 1300
Arturo Rios     GIS Technician   505-247-0234    ext. 1352
Mitch Georgina     GIS Technician   505-247-0234    ext. 1338


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