MRGCD’s General and all division offices will be CLOSED November 25 and 26.

Belen Watershed flood prevention Project


In recent years, flooding events in Valencia County have resulted in damage to numerous properties and local infrastructure. In an effort to improve the process for capturing and conveying stormwater in the area, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Valencia County and the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District are working together on a flood prevention study.


Public Input: At the start of 2023, the project partners hosted a public meeting at the Belen Public Library; at the meeting residents and business owners were invited to provide concerns and feedback surrounding the project.

Study Elements: Throughout 2023, the project engineering team will lead the study efforts by performing inspections and topographical surveys to evaluate the irrigation canals and conduct hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, determine sediment transport activity to set a baseline to determine flood prevention/protection requirements. The team will also inventory relevant watershed resources for environmental, economic and social (e.g., air quality, water quality, threatened and endangered species, wetlands, etc.) resource concerns and conduct environmental evaluations.

Study Completion: The engineering team is slated to complete the study in 2024. Once the study is complete, the project partners will host the final public participation meeting, where various findings and project options will be presented, geared at reducing the risks to life and property in the Belen Watershed.

Path Forward: Upon completion of the study and hosting the final public participation meeting, the project organizers will begin the process of discussing and seeking funding for construction of the chosen solution.

Click on the play button to review a recording of the first public meeting presentation.      


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